Michael Coleman on Is Acting a Craft or is it Art?

Michael Coleman on Is Acting a Craft or is it Art?

Michael Coleman on Is Acting a Craft or is it Art?

Acting Craft or Art?

The word “art” is often used when referring to works that express feelings, emotions, and vision. The word “craft” is often used when referring to a set of learned skills and techniques. Art serves an aesthetic purpose, where craft serves a decorative or functional purpose. So what is acting? Is it an art or a craft?

“Art” is often connected more closely with raw talent, while “craft” often suggests anyone in the world, can learn any skill, if they are willing to work hard enough.

Why can’t we do both?

This is a learned skill we continue to develop over time that also serves to express feelings, emotions, and a vision for how the world was, is, and could be. The work of an actor is the perfect hybrid of these two ideas, art and craft.

For those wishing to make this career choice something that brings in a fiscal return so you can pay for food, rent, and other nice things—

Never let one of these ideas trump the other.

Never rely exclusively on your art or your craft if you want to find true happiness in your work. Pursue both relentlessly, and don’t settle for anything less than both.